🦸‍♀️Transform Your Body and Mind With Melissa Blynn, Founder of EpicLuv

Welcome back to "The Microdose Diet" newsletter, your trusted source for achieving success, passion, and happiness in life and career through alternative medicines like microdosing psychedelics. 🍄

Welcome to the latest edition of The Microdose Diet Newsletter, featuring my interview with the wonderful Melissa Blynn!

Melissa Blynn, founder of EpicLuv and a renowned expert in functional medicine, joined me for an enlightening conversation about health, wellness, and personal transformation. Based in Dana Point, California, Melissa integrates her passion for helping others with a deep understanding of the mind-body connection.

In this issue, we discuss:

  • Melissa’s perspective on Transformation and Personal Development

  • Understanding the Cyclical Nature of Growth

  • Navigating Emotional and Professional Landscapes

  • The Role of Psychedelics in Healing

My book The Microdose Diet is out!! 🌟

Order your copy and write a review! And if you want to be extra helpful, ask your local bookstores to carry The Microdose Diet.❤️ Several brick and mortar stores carry it already.

💭Philosophies on Personal Development

During our discussion, Melissa emphasized the multifaceted nature of personal development and transformation. She highlighted the importance of understanding each client's unique journey and providing them with the tools and education needed for growth. Melissa's approach involves listening closely to where each client is in their life cycle and guiding them through their personal development in a way that is both supportive and empowering.

👂The Importance of Listening and Adapting

Melissa stressed the significance of adapting personal development tools to meet individual needs. She shared insights into her method of working predominantly with women, focusing on their unique emotional cycles and helping them navigate through various life stages without overwhelming them.

🦸‍♀️ Tackling Transformation Challenges

A crucial part of our talk delved into overcoming limiting beliefs and the challenges associated with personal transformation. Melissa shared her personal journey, discussing the pivotal moments that led her to embrace a path of self-healing and growth, ultimately leading to the foundation of EpicLuv.

🤗Embracing the Mess

A highlight of our conversation was Melissa's perspective on accepting and loving the chaotic and messy parts of ourselves. She passionately argued for recognizing the beauty in our struggles and using them as stepping stones for growth rather than obstacles.

🍄Psychedelics and Healing

Melissa shared her experiences with psychedelic medicine, particularly psilocybin and its role in her therapeutic practices. She discussed the transformative power of psychedelics in addressing deep-seated trauma and fostering profound personal growth.

🎇Final Thoughts and Further Resources

As we concluded our conversation, Melissa reiterated her commitment to empowering and inspiring change. She invited our listeners to reach out and engage with her through EpicLuv for guidance, education, or simply to start a conversation about their journey.

For more information on Melissa's work or to connect with her directly, visit EpicLuv or follow her on social media at @EpicLuv.

Stay Tuned!

Thank you for joining us for this insightful discussion. We hope it inspires you on your path to wellness and personal growth. Stay tuned for our next issue, where we will explore more innovative approaches to health and wellness.

Until next time!


After watching the episode, share your views in the comments! Also, listen to the episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

😎 About The Microdose Diet

I'm Peggy Van de Plassche, a former banker and VC with 20 years in financial services and technology. "The Microdose Diet" combines alternative medicines like microdosing psilocybin for personal and professional growth.

📘Order my book, "MORE! The Microdose Diet, the 90 Day Plan for More Success, Passion, and Happiness," available on Amazon and Indigo.

🧠 The Brain Power Microdose: Supporting Cognitive Health and Stress Relief.

💻My masterclasses, “The Microdose Diet, The 90 Day Plan for More Career Success, Passion and Happiness” are there to help you get to the next level.

Thanks for reading, listening, and engaging. Follow me on Twitter & Instagram for more insights.

Remember, this newsletter is for entertainment and information. Always consult a medical professional for health advice. 🩺

#career #success #passion #happiness #personaldevelopment #professional development #themicrodosediet #psychedelics #microdosing #psilocybin

💵Rich by Design: Mastering the 3 Strategies of the Wealthy

Welcome back to "The Microdose Diet" newsletter, your trusted source for achieving success, passion, and happiness in life and career through alternative medicines like microdosing psychedelics. 🍄

What brought me to personal development was actually my desire for more money.

At the time I was managing the family office of a very wealthy tech entrepreneur and I, for the first time in my life, saw what great wealth meant. The freedom to just pick up your things to move to another country, travel around the world, or experience exclusive events and all the fun things huge amounts of money give you access to. It was brand new to me. Until then being wealthy was a strange concept I never really grasped. My goal has always been to be well-off, not having to worry to pay the mortgage or go on vacation. But what I was faced with, from the inside, was next level. And I thought: “Well, I want THAT💰!”

…And then I quickly realized that “what got me here won’t get me there.” There was no way - even if I had always been promoted quite quickly and was by all account making good money, especially for a 35 year old immigrant woman coming from low-income housing- that I would ever be able to reach that level of wealth and freedom.

Knowing that I would never be able to make it that big and enjoy a fun, free, fabulous life threw me in a downward spiral. But as always not for long. I am fortunate to be very resilient, solution-oriented and persistent (my family and childhood friends would say pig-headed).

This is when I got to work and dove deep into any type of personal development under the sun, from the most obvious, such as coaching, to the most out there, such as microdosing psilocybin! I went through a lot of trials and errors to see what was working and what was mere wishful thinking.

To paraphrase Joe Dispenza “to become anybody (aka wealthy and free), I had to become a nobody (aka drop my old identity).” I had to dismantle everything that made me ME, starting with my financial identity, followed in close second by my professional identity.

These identities could not bring me where I wanted to be. They would have brought me to senior exec in a bank or partner in a VC fund but never would have they been able to bring me to wealth and freedom.

And this is how The Microdose Diet was born, almost 15 years after that first realization that “I wanted THAT!💵” when seeing up close my boss’ freedom and wealth.

In truth, you can apply The Microdose Diet to any of your intentions - make that vision, goal, or objective if you don’t like the word intention. The protocol is there to help anyone re-aligns their identity with their intention. Obviously you will not become a mix of Serena Williams, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise and Warren Buffett in 90 days. But you will be definitely closer than where you were before!

Below is what I learnt and the foundations of The Microdose Diet applied to Money, Wealth and Prosperity.

And to celebrate the launch of my masterclasses and to thank you for supporting The Microdose Diet here is a 35% discount code valid today (May 8th 2024) only: IDIDIT35


🤑Strategy 1: Internal Mastery of Wealth Creation — Ignite Your Internal Powerhouse for Financial Success

1- Understanding the Inner Game of Wealth

The inner game of wealth involves developing a mindset where success, particularly financial success, is viewed as a natural and achievable outcome. This requires cultivating profound self-belief and resilience, qualities that enable individuals to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities that others may overlook. This mental fortitude allows some individuals to not just participate in the financial arena but actively influence and reshape its boundaries to their advantage.

2- Achieving Congruence with Wealth Goals

Once you embrace the idea that wealth creation starts as an inner game, the next strategic move is to align every aspect of your existence—your thoughts, emotions, actions, and even your energy—with your wealth creation goals. True financial success transcends mere goal setting; it demands a complete and holistic integration of these goals into your daily life. Absolute congruence means you are not merely working towards wealth; you embody it at every moment.

Consider how individuals born into wealth operate with a natural expectation of financial abundance. They do not feel entitled but are simply in tune with a reality where wealth creation is part of their identity. This is the level of congruence you need to cultivate to transform your financial aspirations into tangible achievements. Living and breathing your wealth goals fosters a potent synergy that propels you toward greater wealth. It involves integrating these goals so deeply into your psyche, emotions, and actions that they become inseparable from your daily existence. This integration ensures that every decision and action not only advance you towards your financial targets but also strengthens the wealth-creating mindset essential for significant financial growth.

“MORE! The Microdose Diet, The 90 Day Plan for More Success, Passion and Happiness” has been released! You can order it today on Amazon.

This protocol aims to inform AND transform, providing you with the tools and insights necessary to elevate You to the level of your intention.

💸Strategy 2: Liberating Financial Limitations — Breaking Free from Past Constraints to Maximize Wealth

In the vast expanse of financial growth, you find yourselves hindered, not due to a lack of opportunities or capabilities, but because you are bound by invisible constraints: past experiences and deep-seated beliefs about money. These internal barriers—limiting beliefs, emotional scars, and fluctuating energies—persistently impede progress towards achieving true financial freedom. Liberating yourself from these shackles can dramatically enhance your financial well-being, transforming untapped potential into flourishing prosperity.

1- Navigating the Depths of Your Subconscious Mind

Your expedition toward financial liberation starts with a profound exploration into the murky depths of your subconscious mind. From early life, your perceptions of money and success are shaped by societal norms, cultural values, and personal experiences, often imposing unseen limits on your financial capabilities. Consider the child taught to suppress their enthusiasm or ambition to avoid criticism. As adults, this early programming can cause individuals to hesitate or shrink away when opportunities knock, constrained by a fear of transgressing invisible boundaries. This self-imposed sabotage, deeply rooted in past programming, prevents you from fully leveraging your financial capabilities and achieving your wealth goals.


2- Unshackling Your Financial Identity

The first step to freeing your financial identity is recognizing and confronting these deep-seated subconscious scripts. Much like a computer hindered by outdated software, a mind governed by obsolete beliefs about wealth can derail your financial success. The task then is to identify, challenge, and rewrite these mental blocks actively. By engaging deeply with your subconscious and questioning these longstanding narratives, you initiate a critical clearing of the mental "viruses" that have impeded your progress. This transformative journey not only revises your internal programming to better reflect your current aspirations but also realigns your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions with your overarching financial goals.

3- Creating Space for Financial Growth

As you cleanse your mental landscape, it's equally important to organize your physical and digital environments. Decluttering your surroundings serves as a powerful metaphor for internal change, setting the stage for new opportunities and increased productivity. Removing distractions and unnecessary tasks liberates space and energy, allowing for a focused pursuit of wealth-building activities. This act of creating space goes beyond mere physical organization; it is an intentional setup for success. It involves establishing boundaries that safeguard your prime time for high-value tasks and ensuring that your environment supports your financial objectives. Consequently, you not only invite new opportunities into your life but also foster conditions conducive to increased wealth accumulation.

4- Embracing a Holistic Approach to Wealth Enhancement

Achieving significant financial success demands a holistic strategy that encompasses all aspects of your being—mind, body, emotions, and spirit. By fully engaging with each component, you unlock a powerful synergy that drives you towards your financial objectives. This comprehensive approach requires more than just adjusting your mindset or decluttering your physical space; it necessitates healing emotional wounds and recalibrating your entire system to support your financial ambitions. By aligning your whole self with your financial targets, each action you take is strategically directed towards enhancing your wealth. Liberating financial limitations involves more than diligent effort and resilience; it requires a profound, transformative interaction with both your internal and external worlds. By breaking free from past limitations and adopting a renewed, holistic approach to wealth, you pave the way for a life rich with financial prosperity and personal fulfillment. Each step forward is not just about increasing wealth—it's about fundamentally transforming your life's trajectory towards boundless financial possibilities.

Join me in my masterclass, ' The Microdose Diet: The 90-Day Plan for More Success, Passion, and Happiness.' Here, you'll discover a reliable companion that guides you step-by-step, enabling you to fully integrate these wealth-building strategies into your life.

This masterclass doesn’t just promise to inform—it aims to transform, providing you with the tools and insights necessary to elevate your financial status to extraordinary heights. Register for the masterclass today, and embark on your journey to becoming rich by design.

💰Strategy 3: Leveraging a Diverse Wealth-Building Protocol — Optimize Every Facet of Your Being for Ultimate Wealth Creation

In the quest for unparalleled wealth, it becomes evident that successful individuals understand a fundamental truth: they are intricately complex beings, not just made up of a conscious mind, but also encompassing a vast network of subconscious thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and energies. This realization underscores the limitation of a singular approach to wealth creation—it's akin to navigating the vast ocean with only one type of wind. It simply doesn't harness the full spectrum of possibilities that a multi-faceted approach can offer.

1- The Essential Varied Toolbox for Wealth Creation

Just as a skilled athlete utilizes a variety of training methods—encompassing weight training, yoga, stretching, proper nutrition, and rigorous practice—to achieve excellence, individuals aspiring to significant wealth must adopt a multi-pronged wealth-building protocol. This holistic strategy acknowledges the crucial roles played by the conscious mind, the subconscious, the body, and emotional and energetic states in overall wealth generation. Achieving scalable, lasting success in wealth creation requires engaging with all aspects of one's being to align perfectly with financial goals. The synergy created by applying diverse methodologies not only to the mind but also to the body and emotions can produce results that far exceed those achievable through isolated efforts. This principle of synergy, where the collective effect is greater than the sum of its parts, transforms personal development into a realm of infinite financial opportunities.

2- Embracing Innovation and Unconventional Methods

True wealth generation requires more than just adherence to conventional wisdom; it necessitates the courage to explore beyond the familiar, to experiment with novel ideas, and to integrate cutting-edge practices with traditional wisdom. Those at the forefront of wealth creation are continually poised to adopt innovative approaches and unconventional methods. They recognize that the path to financial excellence is not merely well-trodden but a dynamic exploration into the unknown. Innovative wealth creation can manifest in myriad ways, from embracing new financial technologies to reviving and adapting ancient economic practices through a modern lens It involves leveraging the latest advancements in finance, science, and psychology, and rediscovering the wisdom of past generations to craft a strategy that is both timeless and timely.

3- The Microdose Diet as a Catalyst for Wealth

The Microdose Diet represents the pivotal part of a strategic and mindful 90-day protocol, designed to enhance your overall capabilities for wealth generation. By following this program, you will shed the financial limitations that have previously curtailed your economic achievements via a suite of innovative tools such as microdosing psilocybin, tapping meditation, and havening, combined with traditional methods like journaling and guided meditation. These tools are integrated to help you achieve total congruence with your wealth-building goals, optimizing every facet of your being to foster an environment ripe for financial growth. Ultimately, the journey to mastering wealth through a diverse protocol is marked by innovation and the boldness to pursue the extraordinary. As you engage with this strategic guide, remember that the greatest level of success comes from your willingness to push beyond the known and to embrace the innovative practices that resonate deeply with your personal vision for wealth.


As a conclusion, it is evident that the journey towards achieving unparalleled wealth is both intricate and immensely fulfilling. This path requires more than just raw ambition or diligent labor; it demands a comprehensive and strategic approach that synchronizes every aspect of your being—mind, body, soul, and spirit—with your loftiest financial aspirations. Through the three core strategies detailed above, you gain not only a blueprint for unlocking your financial potential but also a transformative path that transcends the ordinary and propels you into a realm of boundless wealth possibilities. The application of these strategies in your daily life is not merely a step toward personal betterment but a profound metamorphosis that enriches every facet of your existence. Drawing from extensive experience, including innovative discussions on the potentials of microdosing psychedelics and the insights derived from the development of The Microdose Diet, these strategies represent more than just techniques; they are the embodiment of a deeper truth—that achieving significant wealth is fundamentally an internal endeavor.

Unlock your full potential with the Platinum Microdose Diet Masterclass.

A turnkey solution including 34 Videos, 34 Worksheets, the Book “The Microdose Diet”, 2 Bottles of Brain Power Microdose, Monthly Live Q&A Group Coaching Call (for 6 months) and a Tote Bag!


After watching the episode, share your views in the comments! Also, listen to the episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

😎 About The Microdose Diet

I'm Peggy Van de Plassche, a former banker and VC with 20 years in financial services and technology. "The Microdose Diet" combines alternative medicines like microdosing psilocybin for personal and professional growth.

📘Order my book, "MORE! The Microdose Diet, the 90 Day Plan for More Success, Passion, and Happiness," available on Amazon and Indigo.

🧠 The Brain Power Microdose: Supporting Cognitive Health and Stress Relief.

💻My masterclasses, “The Microdose Diet, The 90 Day Plan for More Career Success, Passion and Happiness” are there to help you get to the next level.

Thanks for reading, listening, and engaging. Follow me on Twitter & Instagram for more insights.

Remember, this newsletter is for entertainment and information. Always consult a medical professional for health advice. 🩺

#career #success #passion #happiness #personaldevelopment #professional development #themicrodosediet #psychedelics #microdosing #psilocybin